TREDJE NATUR  giver talk til Novozymes’ Copenhagen Household Care Sustainability Summit 2013.

Med udgangspunkt i House of Water og andre  våde drømme for Københavns Havn giver vi en talk til Novozymes’ 4. bæredygtighedssummit om hvordan ressourcekredsløbet kan optimeres af arkitektur i det daglige. Dette års summit tager udgangspunkt i ‘Power in Numbers’ og samler en række nøglepersoner fra husholdningsindustrien på scenen. At TREDJE NATUR er inviteret vidner om, at fremtidens løsninger skal findes cross-sector, og at løsningerne skal kunne spænde sømløst imellem den helt store byskala og nære skala på individniveu. Og at den holistiske  arkitektur, der bevidst arbejder  for nye typer adfærd og ressourcebevidste brugere skal  favne bredt og kunne omsætte stor kompleksitet til meninsskabende hverdagsrum for at kunne nå i mål.

Fra Programmet:

There’s Power in Numbers. Be a part of it. You’re invited to help us explore how data-documented sustainability can inspire smarter business processes that can bring cost savings and new opportunities to the entire value chain – from suppliers to consumers.

In order to leverage the Copenhagen momentum and build on all the great ideas from Latin America, at this year’s summit, we would like to take the conversation a level deeper. We will explore how data-documented sustainability can inspire smarter business processes that can bring cost savings and new opportunities to the entire value chain – from suppliers to consumers. Specifically, we’ll be looking at Life Cycle Assessments and how their results can lead to cleaner processes and products, better collaboration and innovation. We hope that we can identify concrete ways to save energy and water and reduce waste.

This year we expect 150 participants from around the world and we have an esteemed line-up of speakers in place again. We also have special activities and surprises planned this year that are designed to inspire out-of-the-box thinking and continued collaboration. The industry has seen an exciting and busy two years since our last summit in Copenhagen and we are excited to host what will hopefully be the most impactful summit to date.

Copenhagen Marriott Hotel. 4-5 December, 2013.